since eight years i am writing down dreamed snippets, ties and moods. actually in this journey fitted semikolon book, wearing ma sons second class homework booklet cover. another persistent work in life/art, no one pays any cent to me for. why oh why did i chose this path? and why do i want to share ma story with you?
this so-called labour day i decided to start ma EMOVERE BLOG, where it belongs on. to give some rescpect on ma own. whenever i feel like writing more than a psychosomatic facebook status or emotional image title. and for all of you who want to participate further on and further more. not knowing if it´s just a mayfly.
all this day i am painfully crying. and it would be senseless to get into a why. just sharing ma soulyearning ribbon of the day, found out again by ma longtime friend and brother DMS.