some days are gone since i found you midmorning, breathing no more. thankful for an end of your very suffering and equally moaning out the overarching pain of ma heart. why did i went for a walk this morning? maybe just to strength maself. maybe just to let go. our relation has always been a strange one, like you, like me, and there was something special within.
so i want to remember a time of flowing and traveling, to be around your last way. i want to remember a neverending summer, a gentle warm wind blowing over our hillside´s garden and a nightsky clear and bright. i want to remember the words i told you to remind our goods and to catch an inkling of a last smile. i want to remember maself in grand active homework like piling up wood and picking up plums. i want to remember each patient moment at your very side. hopefully that all the lines i sang didn´t bug you as much by the way. so now then. hailing you. many thanks to my mom, aunt, family and nursing service. PHOTO 2011